Établissement privé non lucratif (association loi 1901 non reconnue d'utilité publique)
Capacité de 54 résidents
461 vues
L'établissement répond sous 12h en moyenne

436 rue Ernest-Renan
69400 Villefranche-sur-Saône
Capacités d'accueil et tarifs
Nous décrivons les différents types d'hébergement et les tarifs associés.
Service d'accueil
Personnes âgées dépendantes
Unité de vie protégé (UVP) pour personnes atteintes d'Alzheimer comprenant 12 chambres
Descriptif des chambres
3.8 - 40 avisNous rassemblons tous les avis disponibles dans l'espace publique sur cet établissement.
1 an après son installation à Montaigu, j'ai apprécié l'intervention du personnel médical et administratif, qui a su gérer au mieux et en urgence l'admission de maman en unité de vie Alzheimer, toujours dans le même établissement, lorsque son état de santé s'est dégradé. Aujourd'hui elle a repris goût à la vie dans un environnement adapté à sa pathologie.
Nous vous remercions votre commentaire sur notre Résidence. Accompagner nos résidents, dans le respect et la dignité, tout au long de leur parcours de vie est au cœur de nos métiers. Nous aurons à cœur de partager votre commentaire avec toute notre équipe. La Direction.
L'établissement Montaigu, par manque de personnel ou de professionnalisme laisse les patients partir sans surveillance... Quand un patient devient trop compliqué, on vous explique que ce n'est plus gérable car trop dangereux ! C'est une honte de traiter nos anciens de la sorte... Pourtant le loyer est de 2300€ net par mois depuis 4 ans! Bien dommage pour mon grand père !
Nous avons bien pris connaissance de votre commentaire que nous regrettons sincèrement. En effet, il est très dur de le lire, car la situation que vous décrivez ne reflète aucunement les pratiques de notre établissement
Nos professionnels ont à cœur d’accompagner au mieux les résidents toujours dans le respect de nos valeurs associatives et éthiques. De même, l’équipe de la résidence est pleinement engagée dans une démarche bienveillante des soins dispensés aux résidents afin de leur assurer confort et sécurité.
Nous prenons toutes les allégations au sérieux. Si vous avez des préoccupations ou des questions spécifiques, nous vous encourageons à contacter directement la direction de l'établissement.
Ayant travaillé pendant des années pour le groupe ACPPA... Je sais de quoi je parle Les salaires sont dérisoires (à peine 1450 euros) c'était une des raisons pour laquelle j'ai démissionné. La direction est catastrophique, plusieurs cadre de santé se sont succédés en très peu de temps... Les repas pour les personnes âgées sont horrible et je pèse mes mots...2 soignants pour 80 personnes et seulement 1 soignant à l'ehpad montaigu pour 60 résidents (véridique) il y a 2 ans le scandale ACPPA avait éclaté et croyez moi c'est toujours d'actualité...
Nous sommes étonnés de lire les faits que vous décrivez concernant notre établissement et les propos mentionnés à l’encontre de nos personnels et la Direction ne sont pas justifiés. Il est important de souligner que les chiffres annoncés ne correspondent pas à la réalité de notre établissement et du nombre de résidents (54 résidents en EHPAD et 12 résidents en Etablissement d’Accueil Médicalisé soit 66 au total). Nous tenons à assurer à nos résidents et à leurs familles que nous sommes dévoués à fournir des soins de qualité, et que nous sommes toujours ouverts à discuter de préoccupations spécifiques.
La Direction
Établissement recommandable,
personnel très accueillant et bon suivi des résidents
Quiet disappointed. Although the course itself was great, the greasy salesman I spoke to assured me I would be able to register with a governing body upon completion. Once I finished the course, I found out I would have to take an another 100 hour course- for $800 you would expect to be able to register somewhere, surely and if this wasn't the case I wouldn't have done the course. Such a shame because the tutor herself was lovely .
Hi Layla, thank you for the feedback. This is not the experience we want our students to have. If you would be able to send an email to faculty@learningcloud.
au, we would love to work with you. Kind Regards, Learning Cloud
I have just finished my second course with Learning Cloud. I have enjoyed studying with them. Every time I have been stuck with something, the over the phone support has been great. My tutors have been really encouraging with their feedback on my assessments. Thank you Clinton and Tracy for your help.
Thank you Sarah for your feedback. We will forward this onto to Clinton, Tracy and our support team. Best of luck with your future endeavours. Kind regards Learning Cloud
Crooks and bullies. I signed up to a fashion design course. They charged $100, then provided a tiny booklet on the basics of the basics in sewing and nothig else. I stopped paying the weekly fee, so now they are demanding another $800 because according to them I did not cancel the course within seven days of starting it. They have been been threatening me with legal procedures and collection agencies! My sincere advice, stay away from these people.
PS I tried to ring the number given in the owner's reply - it's some machinery compay. Really? And no, the course is not 270 pages. It is a tiny booklet with absolute basics. Total rip-off. But the impudence of threatening to send my case to the collectors and courts! Unbelievable.
Hi Irina, we did hear from you a few weeks after your enrolment in April when your Course Coach checked in to make sure everything was okay, you did reply with some questions that were answered for you. We didn't receive any feedback about the course content or materials at this time. Our Fashion Design program is 3 books and a student manual, with over 271 pages combined. No further communication or feedback was received until a few missed payments meant the direct debit team reached out. We're sorry to hear that it is not the experience you had hoped for, please call us on 1300 650 569 or email faculty@learningcloud.
au so we can work this out together. Kind Regards Learning Cloud Edit: We have called to try and work with you, the 3 books are 271 pages and if you don't pay your agreed payment plan as per the terms and conditions of enrolment it will be forward to a collection agency. I am sorry we were not able to help you.
I was looking for an online and user friendly provider to undertake the Professional Supervision course, I found it at Learning Cloud. I was impressed with the level of language used within the lessons and assessments - very relevant and current. Quite a pleasant experience throughout. Thank you :)
Hi Traci, thank you for your feedback. We are so glad you enjoyed your Professional Supervision course. We wish you much success with your future endeavours. Kind regards Learning Cloud
Course was well designed, lots of help available and fun to do.
I learned a lot.
Hi Mary, thank you for your feedback. We are happy you have enjoyed your course. Kind regards Learning Cloud
very responsive support, tutor and faculty, very enjoy during my study with Learning Cloud :)
Hi Ann, thank you for your feedback. We have sent your feedback onto your Tutor and our faculty team. Best wishes Learning Cloud
Horticulture course currently underway. Core studies and then I will select my 3 majors after that. I’m enjoying the experience so far.
The materials are 7/10. Some of the videos provided are low quality and the self-testing could be more comprehensive.
You will need to complete 120 Plant reviews by the end of the core units which is time consuming but I feel it’s necessary to get a good variety of knowledge.
Hi N, thank you for your feedback. We are currently working on updating the videos and the 120 review sheets are important to help you with knowledge once you are working in the industry. If you have any questions or need support, please do get in touch on 1300 650 569. Kind regards Learning Cloud
Unfortunately I cannot select Zero stars. Do not recommend them, rip off of a company, stole money from me, gave no insight on how to my course, it's been over 3 years since I told them to cut me from the course and haven't had any communication with them only have Milton Graham sending out debt emails to me which I just ignore because I refuse to pay for something I have never completed and haven't had any services to complete. Don't waste your time and money. Complete SCAM in my opinion.
Personnel dévoué, ma grand mère est super bien la bas. Ce qui est pas une raison pour lâcher vos anciens les gens hein . Merci a toute l'équipe de la résidence
My experiences were all working online and I thoroughly enjoyed the course that I completed. It was tailor made for me to accomodate things I had already studied. The support and response to support emails was second to none.
HIGHLY recommend!!!
Hi Joanne, thank you for your feeback. We are so glad to hear you have enjoyed your course. Please do get in touch if there is anything further we can help with. Kind Regards, Learning Cloud
This was my first online course with Learning Cloud. I found the course both interesting and challenging. Although designed around the specifics found in Australia I was able to adapt the content to meet my own place of residence, Costa Rica. This course then focused my attention on learning about the specifics that are required in my new location. I had some great support from Josie in the administration team and also from Tracy, my tutor - thanks.
Hi Ian, thank you for your feedback. We are so glad you were able to adapt the course to suit Costa Rica. Reach out if there is anything else we can help with. Best wishes in your future endeavours. Kind Regards Learning Cloud
Fantastic I myself wasn't very good as far as schooling and being academic this coursew easy a bit scientific but I understood it it was set out in a way that people that have a lower understanding could comprehend 👍👍👍👍👍😁
Hi Darren, thank you for the review. So glad you were able to understand the course. If there is anything further we can help with please get in touch. All the best, Learning Cloud
Was interested in a course, talked to the career consultant which was very nice however as the conversation carried on and she realised the course was not for me and they couldn't make money off me she the politeness went out the door.
Would rate ZERO for communication and politeness!
Hi Dee, We’re normally known for our great customer service, and we regret that we missed the mark. We would love some further details so we can improve, please send an email to faculty@learningcloud.
au. Kind Regards Learning Cloud
There Really understanding. I’m only new to it. Had some family problems haven’t done much with the course and understand completely was nice. Think I’ll take a good start to it tomorrow 👌
Hi Daniel, thank your for your feedback. If there is anything further we can do to help, please get in touch. Kind Regards Learning Cloud
Although the courses are not Australian Accredited in the AQTF, they are of an exceptional value for anyone wanting to expant their knowledge on a whole host of different subjects. The facilitators are easily contactable and very professional, and course project feedback is delivered quickly and with areas to expand knowledge even more. A wonderful online resource for anyone wanting to check out a future career without the more expensive associated costs of travel or TAFE.
Hi Shiner, thank you for your review. We really appreciate your feedback. Kind Regards, Learning Cloud
All tutors are very helpful and experienced, for any query they respond quickly and cordially. Workplacement facilities should be included.
Hi Anoar, thank you for your feedback. I will pass your feedback over to your Tutors. Kind Regards, Learning Cloud
Would not recommend if you thrive on critical feedback and support. The very most I got back in return for every assignment was "good job" and there was never much relevant content within the material provided online. I have finished my course now though but would highly suggest others to look elsewhere or to just avoid online courses all together.
Hi Clare, thank you so much for your feedback. I wish you had of communicated this while studying with us, we could have provided feedback to your Tutor or changed you over to another Tutor. As you can imagine everyone prefers different feedback so we often move students around. Please do get in touch if there is anything further we can help you with. We wish you much success in your future endeavours. Kind Regards Learning Cloud
If your career consultants are the face of Learning Cloud they could be certainly be more polite! I just got laughed off the phone... Looks like you have alot of courses I would be interested in however Learning Cloud now would not be an option for me.
Customer service promptly returned my call which was positive. However, when faced with the feedback that their direct debit partner was acting unconscionably and their course adviser had misled me as to the level of learning, quality of learning outcomes and the deliverables it was clear I was fleeced.
Course was incredibly overpriced, poorly executed and with limited to no outcome other than for someone looking at a hobby level engagement. Combined with the fees and charges levied by their billing partner and I am certain that engaging with learning cloud for anything other than a passing interest is a bad idea.
To that end, if it’s only a passing interest just read books. I learned more reading than from the course I engaged with.
Nous avons apprécié le dévouement du personnel auprès de notre maman, qui a été très attentionné jusqu'au bout. C'est une maison chaleureuse dans laquelle il réside un véritable esprit de famille.
Les questions les plus fréquement posées
Actuellement, cet établissement a 3 places disponibles sur une capacité totale de 54 lits.
Nos équipes peuvent se charger de contacter cette maison de retraite et vous accompagner dans vos démarches
Suivant les prestations que vous choisissez et le niveau de dépendance (GIR) de la personne résidente le tarif proposé par cet établissement va de 2376 € à 3198 € par mois.
De nombreuses aides de l’Etat, de la région, du département et de la commune vous permettent de réduire le coût de votre séjour (APA, APL, ASH, ASPA, etc.).
Nous sommes Mazette
Lancée fin 2021, Mazette est une plateforme gratuite d'information sur les maisons de retraite et d'accompagnement dans le dépôt de dossier et le financement du séjour.
Nous sommes une équipe de 5 personnes dédiée à simplifier l'accès au monde des établissements (médicalisés ou non) accueillant des seniors (dépendants ou non).